DOTA 2 Matches

Released in 2011, Dota 2 quickly became one of the biggest multiplayer games worldwide, and still goes strong to this day, including a big esports scene. The game is played in matches, with many formats and types available for fans. Dota 2 matches are one of the most popular esports disciplines, and fans from all over the world follow them.

Upcoming Dota 2 matches

RBT (2.40) show (1.52) Nemiga 175 EPL S24
WhiteIce show BTTL 294 FISSURE Universe Ep 4
WC (1.38) show (2.80) Hk 1047 PGL Wallachia S4
LFO (1.65) vs (2.10) EBs 2025-02-14 00:00:00 PGL Wallachia S4
WC vs leook223 2025-02-14 00:30:00 FISSURE Universe Ep 4
KK (3.10) vs (1.32) BOOM 2025-02-14 02:00:00 PGL Wallachia S4
TBD vs M80 2025-02-14 03:00:00 PGL Wallachia S4
Ctrp vs YG 2025-02-14 04:00:00 EPL World SEA S3
TALON vs TBD 2025-02-14 05:00:00 PGL Wallachia S4
Titan vs Excel 2025-02-14 05:00:00 PGL Wallachia S4
Excel vs TGLD 2025-02-14 05:30:00 FISSURE Universe Ep 4
Carstensz vs YB 2025-02-14 07:00:00 EPL World SEA S3
Tb vs TBD 2025-02-14 08:00:00 PGL Wallachia S4
Titan (4.20) vs (1.20) Tb 2025-02-14 09:30:00 FISSURE Universe Ep 4
YB (1.85) vs (1.92) NGX 2025-02-14 10:00:00 FISSURE Universe Ep 4
IVPG (1.35) vs (3.00) LEGENDI 2025-02-14 10:00:00 BB SB S9
IAP vs Ivory 2025-02-14 10:00:00 EPL World SEA S3
YeS vs Passion 2025-02-14 10:00:00 EPL S24
NAVIj (1.35) vs (3.00) 9Pandas 2025-02-14 10:00:00 PGL Wallachia S4
YB vs Secret 2025-02-14 12:00:00 PGL Wallachia S4

Types of Dota 2 Matches

Esports players compete in Dota 2 in tournaments, while regular fans of the game get their taste of Dota 2 in regular matchmaking. There are few key differences between pro play and casual play. Regular players have many more ways to play Dota 2 available to them compared to the competitive environment, where the formats are heavily restricted.

Formats of Users’ Dota 2 Matches

There are multiple ways to play Dota 2 for regular users, with developers sometimes adding new types and formats for Dota 2 matches. The main are:

  • All Pick, where players are allowed to pick from all heroes.
  • Ranked All Pick, where players ban some heroes, and are allowed to pick any available afterward. This is the main game mode for ranked Dota 2 matches.
  • Single Draft, where players are choosing from three heroes, one with each main attribute.
  • Captain’s Mode, where each time assigns a captain, who picks and bans heroes from the pool. This is the format used in most competitive Dota 2 tournaments.
  • Turbo, with increased rewards in gold and experience, and some changes to the stats of creeps and buildings, which make the matches shorter.

Those are the main four formats, but the full list is bigger. The less popular game modes are:

  • Captain’s Draft, where captains pick and ban from a limited pool of heroes.
  • Random Draft, where players take turns picking from the randomly limited pool of heroes.
  • Least Played, where players can’t pick any of their 40 most-played heroes
  • Ability Draft, where every player has to create his own hero from the pool of existing abilities.
  • All Random Deathmatch, where the player's hero changes every time after their death.
  • 1v1 Solo Mid, a mode used to play 1v1 against other players on the middle lane.
  • Many event game modes, like Diretide or The Greeviling, which are available for a limited time.
  • Numerous custom games built on the base of Dota 2.

Formats of Competitive Matches in Dota 2

The overwhelming majority of competitive Dota 2 matches are played in Captain’s Mode. The biggest difference between Dota 2 tournament matches is whether matches are held in LAN or online format, depending on whether the teams are playing from home or bootcamp or at the tournament's location. Another difference is the format by which the winner is decided.

  • Best-of-1 match — have to win one game, usually used in tournament group stages.
  • Best-of-2 match — teams are playing two games regardless of the result of the first. Ties are possible. This is another format used in group stages, for example, on Majors and The International.
  • Best-of-3 match — the first team which wins two games is declared a winner. Ties are impossible. Most of the time, this is a format of most playoff matches and DPC as well.
  • Best-of-5 match — the most important matches are played until one team wins three games, with up to 5 maps played. This format is used in the biggest competitive tournament finals when the teams decide on the event's winner.

Schedule of Dota 2 Matches with live score

With so many tournaments happening around the world in different time zones, it might be hard to follow the world of competitive Dota 2. DPC matches are held in six different regions, start at different times, and often overlap. In addition, LAN tournaments are held in many countries around the world, so for many players, the matches can start at night or early morning, when it’s hard to follow Dota 2.

The best solution for that is our site, which features Dota 2 matches with live score from many tournaments, LAN and online. We track competitive Dota 2 worldwide, making it easy for you to follow both the most famous players, and rising stars of the competitive scene.